Our office is proud of the success rate it achieves in most of the cases entrusted to it.
Our pleadings are serious and strong and are based on the jurisprudence of the courts, jurisprudence opinions, studies, and legal materials in order to reach the desired result and win the case.
In the most extreme cases, we are not an easy party to the trials, and this leads to obligating the opponent to enter into amicable negotiations to resolve the dispute.
ISSA-MANSOUR Law Firm offers Legal services in:
Mr. Pierre Abdel-Sater
Owner of Pe.em Financial Consultant Office, and Financial Consultant.
Ms. Mirna Mansour
School Counselor, Clinical Psychologist.
Mr. Hani Hmedeh
Project Management Consultant, and IT Advisor
Expertise Collaboration
The office held deals and contracts specialists from Lebanon in various fields to secure the legal and the umbrella for its clients in the cases referred to in which the legal solution we are seeking will be based on all standards supported by specialized technical advice to raise the success rate of the case. It is not possible, for example, to disassociate a financial, accounting or commercial financial case from the accounting experience, and it is not permissible to proceed with the personal status claim without relying on the psychological experience opinion in order to enhance the success rate of the cases that we receive.
Our office has also contracted with Mr. Pierre Abdel-Sater owner of Pe.em Financial Consultant Office for follow-up and financial consultation, and Ms. Mirna Mansour as a psychotherapist. Our aim from this is to ensure better legal compliance to defend our clients and to support their cases with the appropriate technical opinions that positively reflect on the expected legal solution that we aspire to our customers and clients.
Technological development has imposed itself in all fields, especially in the field of business and commerce. The reality that requires the creation of a legal umbrella to protect individuals and companies , therefore , Issa Mansour collaborates with Mr. Hani Hmedeh owner and Managing partner of both Zfactory and Zmaestro who are experts in the field of online Business/ Legal Protection consultancy and related digital world.
Online Support
We offer instant online support for our clients to take advantage of this service.
Issa-Mansour office is a smart lawyer one that depends on smart technology for communication and legal works.
- Work on litigation automation, conversion of legal disputes, reviews, exchange of regulations, and consultation of the desktop frame exchange to an electronic technical framework.
- Work on providing consultation directly to companies and customers using a Digital Platform without the need for the client to attend the office and the hardship of the road and time.